Fear factor:
Was inspired when I slowed down my shutter and moved my camera up wards to create a feeling of movement and the unreal-which can spook us; because we are unfamiliar with what has not yet been seen. Especially if it is dark and dreary-from our child hood the stories we were told scary one in particular. This image has a sense of the above and we precede it based on our past experiences. The technique is simple slow down the stutter- experiment with that 30th of a second and keep lowering the shutter until you got what seems to be right for you. The subject matter is equally important-needs to fit what is within our mind...
There are times when what we don't understand can stand in the way of learning more about ourselves and to capture that emotion in a photograph is; perhaps unrealistic but never the less an attempted that we should try, like a poetic expression from the heart! Capturing this images in an unreal way not only gave me a vision into the subconscious mind, but a dream of an interpretation of reality. The trees are barren and yet there exists life around them in a distance, with motion and strong dark colors with splashes of green but not on the trees in front, strong but spoke, feeling but not alive to reality, movement but dead.
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